High Hedges Legislation is here!

Many years ago, new home owners were very keen to ensure their privacy by planting conifer hedges on some, if not all  boundaries of the property. In many cases, these enthusiastic new property owners were sold “Dwarf” varieties that would not grow “more than 3 or 4 feet”!

Some 40 to 50 years later, these conifers have shot up and formed a very tall dense and in most cases, a menacing screen, which whilst providing privacy, has caused misery to those neighbours in proximity to the hedge due to lack of light and parched gardens.

Up to 2011, there was no legislation to deal with problems generated by High Hedges, and opposing parties had to resolve disputes by themselves. However, The High Hedges Act was introduced in that year and Clarke Cunningham Tree Maintenance can now provide owners of these High Hedges, or those affected by them, an advisory service as how the legislation affects either party. Please contact us for details on 028 90 814488.



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